The Legend of Tavuné
Final cover mockup (text and graphic design borrowed from D&D for its recognizability)

Final cover mockup (text and graphic design borrowed from D&D for its recognizability)

Wrap-Around cover illustration without the text

Wrap-Around cover illustration without the text

Character Lineup

Character Lineup

I did a LOT of color comps before settling. Here's some of the many ideas I had!

I did a LOT of color comps before settling. Here's some of the many ideas I had!

Thumbnails for the cover composition!

Thumbnails for the cover composition!

This project was my first time actually designing for the sci-fi genre, even though I personally love sci-fi content. For this project, I designed four characters to fit into a system-agnostic sci-fi heist tabletop RPG module called "The Legend of Tavuné." I then designed a wrap-around book cover (borrowing Dungeons & Dragons' iconic cover designs for their recognizability) for the final deliverable in addition to the character lineup.